Please follow these steps to add WEO Media as a Manager to your Google Business Profile.
1. Go to Google and type your business name in the search bar on Google. Your GPB will be at the top of the screen if you are logged into your Google Account. If you are logged out, login to your Google Account.
2. Locate the vertical ellipsis (three dots) and click on the button.
3. From the menu that pops up, click on the first option, "Business Profile Settings."
4. Click on the "People and access" option.
5. Click "Add" and enter the Group ID or email address that your SEO Team provided you.
6. Under "Access," choose "Manager"
7. Click "Invite."
That's it! Your SEO Team will reach out to you once they have access.
Note: If you need any further help with this, please see the Google Support article on the subject or feel free to reach out your SEO Team.
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